slanted magazine #36 – coexist
Autumn/Winter • 2020/2021
ISSN: 1867-6510
*As an exercise in word play and text management within a predefined grid systems, I created an eight column by eleven row grid prior to formulating any textual content. I had only a vague idea of both the message I wanted to impart and the designs overall aesthetic quality. Roaming about the English lexicon I ran into sixteen words that complied with the grid system and formed a simple message that pertains to our current global state of affairs as well as our future efforts to coexist with one another.
A6 Murals worldwide – lydia wierenga
"Lydia Wierenga painted black murals in A4 format around the corner in people's homes throughout the Netherlands. In 2020 she continued this project; via Instagram she invited 217 artists from all over the world to apply her mural in or on a corner of their own home, but now in A6 format; the size of a postcard. All these murals and the artists in question were brought together by Lydia in a book: A6 murals worldwide."
slanted magazine – posters can help
Poster 2: SOS
“Global dramas can lead us to question our own credibility and the significance of our own lives and/or actions. Recent events in Ukraine have led us, the Slanted team, to ask what our work is really for? Can we accelerate the transition to a sustainable, fair, and just society through the power of design?
With a global call, Slanted Publishers invited the design community to contribute with a piece of work and a donation. 434 people from all over the world participated in this project and almost 700 posters were submitted.
All the proceeds have been donated to two select organizations that we appreciate for their work: ARTHELPS and MSF—Médecins Sans Frontières. Any profits beyond covering the cost of printing will also be donated to the above mentioned organizations."
Minor Movements III
Spring, 2024
*Focusing on the theme of “Utopia/Utopias,” I was asked to provide a brief written reflection on the concept as well as a related illustration.
The secular notion of “utopia,” as historically postulated, is as seemingly inconceivable to me as the theological conception of the “Garden of Eden.” Suffice it to say that I have as little hope in the former as I do faith in the latter.
Note on the illustration:
Are the disparate elements harmoniously converging or discordantly fleeing, or are they always already engaged in a complex and (un)comfortable confluence of the two?